“Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down.” This is the Malcolm X quote that the “Salt Lake City Antifascist Coalition” included in their Facebook event for a “protest” at the Provo Police Department on June 29th. Additionally, they instructed the participants to “wear all black”, “wear masks” and “wear protective eye gear”.

As has been the case with these far-left “protests”, they almost always escalate to violence. The recent event in Provo, Utah was no different. Only this time, instead of destroying peoples cars ripping people from their cars and assaulting them, one of these so-called “anti-fascists” drew a pistol and fired multiple rounds into the window of the car. Fortunately, local law enforcement is taking this shooting very seriously and the shooter has been identified and charged.
Far-left extremists who have been ripping people from their cars and assaulting them have now escalated to shooting drivers. This is NOT a protest, this is an insurgency. https://t.co/dOefqWFKS4
— Far Left Watch (@FarLeftWatch) June 30, 2020
We are now seeing acts of coordinated violence from far-left extremist groups on a daily basis. And while big tech platforms collude to silence the dissident right, these far-left extremists are free to use their platform to radicalize, recruit, and actively organize their criminal activity.
The mission of Far Left Watch is to investigate, expose, and combat the far-left. Please share this article via Twitter, Facebook, etc. and encourage friendly media and YouTube content creators to report on this information.
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Pingback: Provo Police Arrest Black Lives Matter Agitator Who Allegedly Shot SUV Driver - American Greatness
By cynthia curran
I hate to say this guys, but if he killed someone finally Antifa would get the attention that the racist groups do. In fact, the Democrats have blame all the violence on the boogaloo since the FBI arrested some boogaloo at some of the protests.
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