The “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM)” is a militant far-left extremist movement that claims to have six active cells across the U.S.

The “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM)” is a militant far-left extremist movement that claims to have six active cells across the U.S.
Facebook recently decided to ban Gavin McInnes and multiple accounts associated with the “Proud Boys” stating that those accounts were “hate groups” and violated their policies on “hate speech”. As we have previously documented, Facebook and the other large social media monopolies selectively enforce their Terms Of Service and in most cases they are only applied to right-of-center accounts.
While social media companies collude to silence right-of-center influencers, violent far-left extremist groups appear to be given a pass. This NYC based antifa group has been using their “leftist privilege” to freely violate Twitter and Facbook Terms of Service. In another glaring example of “non existent social media bias”, this extremist group is apparently allowed to use their social media account to advocate for murder. Read More
An armed far-left extremist group that actively recruits on Twitter and Facebook recently celebrated a convicted terrorist who assassinated a sitting U.S. President. This group, The Base, is a self described “revolutionary anarchist center committed to the spreading of anarchist ideas and organizing”. This far-left extremist group has almost eight thousand Twitter followers and almost ten thousand Facebook followers and they use these platforms to radicalize, recruit, and mobilize other extremists. Read More
This Saturday, the far-left extremist group will be hosting a documentary screening titled “We Need to Take Guns” which details the work of the International Freedom Battalion (IFB) and discusses strategy and tactics for “revolutionary internationalism”.
If the SPLC’s track record of clear ideological bias is any indication of how they will operate as a member of YouTube’s Trusted Flagger program, then there is zero doubt they will abuse that role. If YouTube is serious about combating extremism on their platform and not just policing conservative voices they should follow the lead of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Defense and drop the SPLC.
Remember when vandals painted “#SomethingsComing” on the Central Park Columbus statue? Well, it’s here.
The pictured fighters are part of a Marxist-Leninist, communist collective of soldiers fighting under the banner of the International Freedom Battalion (IFB).
The media has now dedicated dozen of articles to normalizing and justifying the violence from Antifa and the far left. They repeatedly tell us that Antifa and these far left groups are a response to neo-Nazis and white supremacy. Why do they exclude Antifa’s militant opposition to capitalism? Why do they exclude Antifa’s proclivity towards communism, a political ideology that is responsible for the death of 94 million people?