This group does not stop at just recruiting armed anti-Trump extremists, they also actively use their social media accounts to coordinate offline harm.

This group does not stop at just recruiting armed anti-Trump extremists, they also actively use their social media accounts to coordinate offline harm.
The Facebook event created by the Salt Lake City Antifascist coalition opens with a quote from Malcom X, “Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down.”
The “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM)” is a militant far-left extremist movement that claims to have six active cells across the U.S.
While most people spent the holidays surrounding themselves with their families and the people they love, far-left extremists used this time to terrorize their political opposition.
We recently published a report that detailed the “Manifest Observable Behavior” of a few different far-left Patreon users. Shorty after it was published, we received a tip alerting us that the Red Guards Austin, an armed Antifa cell that openly calls for “revolutionary violence”, is also raising funds on the platform.
Patreon is back in the news following another round of what appears to be an ideological purge from their platform. In the last few days the accounts for Milo Yiannopoulos, Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad), and James Allsup were all terminated. These individuals all have different belief systems and principals and have been vocal critics of each other but their common denominator is a very vocal critique of the far-left and their creeping authoritarianism.
On Wednesday, October 7th members of the the violent antifa cell, Smash Racism DC, descended on the home of Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson. While covering their faces with black ski masks, these extremists chanted “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night.” They allegedly rang his doorbell, broke his oak door and one of them was apparently caught on security video mentioning a pipe bomb.
Facebook recently decided to ban Gavin McInnes and multiple accounts associated with the “Proud Boys” stating that those accounts were “hate groups” and violated their policies on “hate speech”. As we have previously documented, Facebook and the other large social media monopolies selectively enforce their Terms Of Service and in most cases they are only applied to right-of-center accounts.
The co-host of the far-left podcast, The Guillotine, recently took to Twitter to brainstorm with his 5K+ followers about the best way to organize an armed insurrection. “Dr. Bones” (@Ole_Bonsey) asked “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a “insurgent” focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more “militia” structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”
According to their twitter account, on Sunday, September 23rd two members of the far-left extremist group, Serve The People – LA were arrested. This is the same group that recently doxed and threatened someone for supporting ICE, called for a “sea of armed masses” to rise up against ICE, and encouraged their social media followers to carry out “revolutionary violence against the local government”. According to a blog post they also shared detailing the arrest, they claim they were arrested for simply “standing up for street vendors”. Given their documented history of violence and confrontation I’m guessing this not an accurate representation of what actually happened.
It seems like each day the violent rhetoric from antifa and other far-left extremist groups becomes more militant. In a recent blog post from the far-left site, Incendiary News, the author advocates for the “slaughter” of ICE agents and their bosses (Donald Trump). This rhetoric is fueled in part by the growing influence of Marxism on the left as well as a media industrial complex that routinely distorts, misrepresents, and sometimes even fabricates information in order to paint President Trump and his supporters as “fascists” or “white supremacists”.
The militant rhetoric from the far-left is escalating at a dramatic pace. Calls for violence against Trump supporters have now turned into calls for attacks on government facilities and agencies. Serve The People – LA, a violent Marxist group that has doxed and threatened people in their community for supporting Immigration and Customer Enforcement (ICE) is now using their Twitter and Facebook accounts to organize for “revolutionary violence against the local government”. Read More