Ismael Chamu is a Berkeley antifa activist who was charged with vandalism for allegedly spray painting people’s cars and fences with “F— White People,” “F— the police,” “F— frat Boys,” “Kill Cops”, “Kill Yuppies,” “Eat the Rich,” “Class War”, etc. This story is especially important to us because our reporting was instrumental in these charges.
Here is a refresher for those of you not familiar with Ismael Chamu:
On June 27th, 2017 Ismael was arrested with a knife in the same location and on the same night that 30 instances of slashed tires and graffiti occurred. After spending 39 hours in police custody he was released without charge where he immediately claimed that his arrest was the result of “racial profiling”. This was followed by an outcry of public support for Ismael and condemnation of the Berkeley Police Department. The ACUS Senate and even Berkeley Mayor, Jesse Arreguín, publicly condemned Ismael’s “unlawful detainment”.
Who is Ismael Chamu? Well, let’s let him tell you in his own words. The following is from a blog that he published on April 4th, 2017 shortly before he was arrested:

That’s right, before he was arrested in relation to 30 instances of anti-gentrification vandalism he published a blog (he deleted this post but fortunately we were able to archive it first) advocating for anti-gentrification vandalism. In that same blog he also refers to gentrification as a “disease” and praises the violent tactics of Antifa:

If this weren’t enough, he has also published several inflammatory anti-white posts on his Facebook page, which has since been deleted entirely. But not to worry, we archived those as well:

After we originally published the above information about his blog and public calls for criminal activity, we contacted the Berkeley Police Department and encouraged our readers to do the same. Shortly after, he was arrested and charged for these crimes.
So why are we talking about him again? Well, it was just confirmed that Kamala Harris has been selected as the Vice Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. And like many prominent Democrats, Harris has openly supported violent far-left extremists. In this particular instance, Harris tweeted out support for Ismael (archive) after the Los Angeles Times ran a piece titled “He attends elite UC Berkeley but lives in a trailer with no heat or sewer hookups. Soon, he’ll be scrambling to find new shelter“.
In this article, Chamu is portrayed as a victim of the system because his financial aid does not fully cover the cost of his housing. In the original version of the article there was no mention of his affiliation with the domestic extremist movement, Antifa, and nothing about his recent arrests. Shortly after we reported on this, the article was later updated with the following editors note:
4:05 p.m.: This article has been updated to include details of Ismael’s arrest last year on vandalism charges. He has pleaded not guilty and has not been convicted.
It is unlikely that Kamala Harris knew about Chamu’s arrests or affiliation with domestic extremist groups when she made this tweet but this is an important lesson on the role our elected officials and the media play in shaping societal narratives. Would the author of the LA Times article have even made the update if people familiar with Ismael had not contacted her? Not likely. And that is troubling. Will Kamala Harris rescind her support of far left-extremists like Ismael? Ask her.
The mission of Far Left Watch is to investigate, expose, and combat far-left extremism. Please share this article via Twitter, Facebook, etc. and encourage friendly media and YouTube content creators to report on this information.
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By Bumble Jack
Conservatives are faggots
He is just another communist loving threat to this country and I for one await the news he was executed like all communists should be…
By fucknazis
Shut the fuck up you fucking nazi nigger faggot
By Nevpat
Documented proof that leftists are mentally retarded.