Following Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Judge Kavanaugh and his accuser, leftists on Twitter began discussing the need for a “violent general strike” if he were to be confirmed. This comes just days after a violent antifa group confronted Senator Ted Cruz and his family at a restaurant and then made credible threats against the lives of Senator Cruz, Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump, and others from their Twitter and Facebook accounts.
The original Twitter thread (archived here) came from Data Scientist and left-wing activist, Emily Gorcenski.

In this thread, Emily asks her 32K Twitter followers if the confirmation of Kavanaugh would finally be enough for them to organize a “violent general strike”, not just a “general strike” but a violent one. Emily is an outspoken proponent of antifa and their often violent tactics. She claims to be an anarchist but also appears to be at least somewhat sympathetic to authoritarian ideologies like Communism. She also appears to be supportive of the violent antifa group that confronted and threatened Senator Ted Cruz and his family, Smash Racism DC.
Emily’s rhetoric mirrors that of most left-wing activists but she is not just some random person on Twitter. She has a verified Twitter account with over 32K followers, she is one of 3,641 people followed by Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey and one of 503 people followed by the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s “Hate Watch” account.

One Twitter user, claiming to be a member of the far-left militia organization, Redneck Revolt, quote tweeted (archived here) Emily saying that he “didn’t join Redneck revolt for no reason”, the implication of course being that he is “down” for armed political violence.

Redneck Revolt is mostly comprised of Communist, Socialists, and other far-left activists. They claim to have over 30 active cells nationwide and until recently they offered a downloadable guerrilla warfare manual on their website that included sections on “kidnapping”, “executions”, and “terrorism”.
The recent spike is violent rhetoric from the far-left is not a departure from the norm, it is a return to it. Far-left political ideologies, like all forms of authoritarianism, are fully dependent on the use of violence from their proponents and ultimately from the state which they always seek to expand and grant more centralized power. Considering that just over a year ago a far-left extremist opened fire on a GOP Congressional baseball practice game, I sincerely hope our reporting results in an investigation by the authorities. Here is how you can take just a few minutes and help us make sure that happens:
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- Submit a tip to the FBI. Make sure to include this article in your in you report.
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- Ask @Jack why someone he personally follows is entertaining a “violent” general strike
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By Bill J. Jamison
Hey dumb ass, I’m years ahead of you twat muffins on gun “safety”, mine is never safe to dick heads like you.
Pingback: Armed Leftists Call for Mass Violence if Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to SCOTUS | TrumpsMinutemen
Pingback: Armed Leftists Call for Mass Violence if Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to SCOTUS | INDUCTION THEORY
Pingback: Armed Leftists Call for Mass Violence if Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to SCOTUS - Novus Vero
By Tim Bryant
‘twat muffins’…?? LOL! And you’re wanting people to fear you, Nancy? buwah-hahaha!!! What are you gonna do, bore ‘um to death? Or hit ‘um over the head with a bag fulla quarters? Better run back to your mom’s and finish shaving her back or ya get no beer money. HURRY!!!
By Some
The “man’s” real name is James Griffith in case it needs to be added to a terrorist watch list.
By Artful Codger
So a cupcake beta male who doesn’t even know what gender he is wants to start a riot? But first wants to see if anyone else will join him because he’s not THAT determined, not THAT steadfast in what he believes in.
Child, please.
Pingback: News Briefs – 09/30/2018 |
By Amy
Bring it you Leftist pieces of sht, my AR15 is locked and loaded.
By Ron
Another anti-white communist Jewish blue checkmark calls for murdering people of European descent. I hope someone is adding these names to a list.
Pingback: Antifa radicals just made a horrifying threat against Kavanaugh - Patriot Pulse
By Michael
Good Lord! How long does that video go on without making a point? I gave up on it.
Pingback: Radical Agenda S04E028 - Missing The Point - Radical Agenda
By Robert
Y’all are so full of shit leftists don’t need to start something they can’t finish 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Pingback: Armed leftists call for “violent” strike if Kavanaugh is confirmed – InternetticA
By dewitt
the left does not know or understand what rath we will place upon you. bring it and we will be more than happy to return it . 10 fold.
Pingback: Radical Agenda S04E028 - Missing The Point - Christopher Cantwell
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