Armed antifa group calls for the “slaughter” of President Trump

It seems like each day the violent rhetoric from antifa and other far-left extremist groups becomes more militant. In a recent blog post from the far-left site, Incendiary News, the author advocates for the “slaughter” of ICE agents and their bosses (Donald Trump). This rhetoric is fueled in part by the growing influence of Marxism on the left as well as a media industrial complex that routinely distorts, misrepresents, and sometimes even fabricates information in order to paint President Trump and his supporters as “fascists” or “white supremacists”.

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Antifa is using Twitter and Facebook to advocate for the assassination of Trump

While social media companies collude to silence right-of-center influencers, violent far-left extremist groups appear to be given a pass. This NYC based antifa group has been using their “leftist privilege” to freely violate Twitter and Facbook Terms of Service. In another glaring example of “non existent social media bias”, this extremist group is apparently allowed to use their social media account to advocate for murder. Read More